Please be aware that there are R200 counterfeit notes circulating on the market. I heard about the counterfeit notes on 702 last week Tuesday and I checked my money on Thursday and discovered I had 2 of these counterfeit notes. I’m 100% certain that I received the money from inside the bank, so I went to standard bank to get the notes exchanged. They refused to exchange money on the spot, and just said they will ‘investigate’ and give me a call yesterday, and they never did. So if you end up with these notes, the bank may not be able to assist you.
There are many differences between the real R200 note and the counterfeit one, but you won’t notice the difference if you are holding the counterfeit in isolation and you don’t know what to check. I have attached a picture of the real R200 note and the counterfeit one, the top/first note on the picture is the real one. If you end up with one of these notes, here are a few differences to look out for:
· The counterfeit R200 notes are signed in orange and are written ‘president governor’ and the legitimate ones are signed in grey/black and written ‘governor’ at the bottom of the signature,
· The counterfeit note has a big R200 printed on the top right hand corner of the governor’s signature whereas the real note has R200 printed on the top left and bottom right corners with smaller fonts,
· The counterfeit R200 note is about 3mm shorter than the real note,
· The silver strip that runs across the R200 note is thinner on the counterfeit note and thicker on the real note,
· The counterfeit notes are more orange in colour than the real notes.
It is suspected that R1 million of these counterfeit notes are in circulation, so one or more of these notes may end up in your hands if you don’t take precaution.